2014 Blogiversary Giveaway!

To celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Nurtured Mama, I'm giving something away (I kind of like this tradition!).  

The drawing is now closed (congratulations to Anne-Marika!) but you can fill out the survey any time. I'd still love your input!

 On the day before my 40th birthday, I published the first post on this blog. It wasn't my first blog post (not in the slightest!) but it was the beginning of a bigger vision, a hope for a community, and a way to put my voice where it might possibly help other moms like me.In the last two years, so much has changed in my life. My daughter has grown from a baby to an opinionated child. I've cut off my hair, gutted my wardrobe, launched a class, lost two pregnancies, been in a car crash, started painting again, been very sick, and am finally getting well again. I've written my heart out on this blog and I've found the community I was seeking. Just in this year Nurtured Mama's subscribers have doubled and traffic has quadrupled. You have come here from Pinterest, Facebook, and other blogs where I have written. And you've stayed. Even when I needed to take a break this summer, you guys were right here when I got back.I'm just so grateful to you, that's what I'm trying to say. I'm so glad you are here reading and that you tell me my words are useful to you. This is what keeps me going. This is what keeps me excited about sharing stories, sharing ideas, showing up to this screen and this particular blank page.So I want to give you something back - a spot in my upcoming holiday class. All I ask is that you hop over to fill out this extremely short survey and tell me three things: Something you wish I'd start doing, something you think I could stop doing, and something you'd like for me to continue. Leave your email at the end to be entered to win a spot in class. Your emails will only be seen by me and only used to draw a winner - I'll delete the list when that's done.The winner will be drawn on November 28 and contacted by email. If by chance the winning entrant has already paid for a spot in class, I'll refund the payment.Thank you for celebrating the close of another year her on this blog, and joining me for the next one!PS - If you aren't yet a subscriber, but would like to be, it is easy to sign up. Just enter your email at this page. You can choose to receive posts from the blog to your inbox or only the newsletter, which I send every 3 to 4 weeks with additional stories, offers, and discounts.