Be Nice To Your Future Self

What can you do today be be nice to your future self? :: www.nuturedmama.netI read about this idea, being nice to your future self, in a recent post by Heidi Swanton on 101 Cookbooks. She was talking about how making a big pot of soup so she’d have lunches to take with her to her studio is an act of kindness to her future self. What a brilliant way to think about taking time for self care, or organization, or preparedness, as a way to be nice to yourself in the future.If I sit down with a cup of tea for 10 minutes before I go pick up my daughter from school, I’m being nice to my self two hours from now, when I would otherwise be grumpy with her.If I choose to go to bed early tonight, I’m being nice to my tomorrow self.If I sit down and make a menu plan on Sunday night, I’m being nice to my Monday morning self by having my shopping list ready before I go to the store, and my dinner hour self all week because I know what I’ll be cooking and I know I have all the ingredients.If I plan a large meal on Monday, I’m being nice to my Tuesday and Wednesday selves when I can skip cooking and just reheat.If I make time for my dreams, I’m being nice to my future self who will be able to see those dreams realized.If I take a little time to rest, I will be a better parent, partner, and friend - and that's nice to me and everyone around me.What will you do today to be nice to your future self?