The best self-care gift ideas for holiday nurturing


self-care holiday gift guide with 16 ideas for a variety of self-care gifts

When I'm giving a gift, I often think about how it will make the life of the recipient easier, more calm, or more restful. And since wrapping up the Self-Care season on Nurturing Habit, I've been thinking a lot about all the different ways we can approach self-care. With those two ideas in mind, I'm offering you this Self-Care Gift Guide, which can be a guide for your gifting, or can inform your own wish list. Because really, we could all use a few of these items ourselves!I've included a combination of items that can be wrapped up and left under the tree and also experiences that might last well into the new year. Click the image or the title of each item to see details or to purchase.If you love this list, please share it! There are links above to email the post or share it directly to one of several social media platforms.NOTE: This post contains affiliate links, which means that I may earn a commission from your purchase. You are under no obligation to use these links.

Things to put under the tree

Phillips Wake Up Light Alarm Clock

This is the same alarm clock I use and I love it. Instead of being startled awake by a loud sound, I'm gently awoken with simulated sunlight. It also has options to slowly turn on natural sounds or a radio station. Actually, it has more options than I've even ever explored.A great gift for your most grumpy-in-the-morning family member or someone who want a more peaceful morning routine.

Daily Gratitude Journal 

The benefits of gratitude are numerous. A regular gratitude practice can help you sleep better, reduce anxiety and depression, improve your relationships - and the list goes on! This simple journal makes it easy to make gratitude a daily practice with room to write down just three things daily that you are grateful for. Even the business person can find time for that!This is a great gift for someone going through a hard time (pair it with an empathy card), or someone who wants to turn their ship around and build something positive in the new year. 

Powersheet Intentional Goal Planner

Not really a planner, but focused on identifying and achieving your goals over the course of a year, I've been using this planner for 2 years running and I just ordered my planner for next year. This planner will help you set intentional goals and actually reach them.This is a great gift for the planner and go-getter in your life, who could actually use a bit of softness and more self-care (because this planner really helps with that kind of goal).  

Weighted Blanket

It seems like everyone is talking about these weighted blankets recently and for good reason. Already well-known by any one who loves to sleep under a thick, heavy comforter, the sensation of weight on your body is incredibly calming. These blankets help people sleep better and help lower anxiety. I have one on my personal wish list this year!Great for anyone who could use a hug.

Sun Therapy Light

The shorter days of winter, especially in the more northern latitudes or places where it rains a lot, can wreak havoc on people's moods. There's a good reason why the suicide rate is higher in the Pacific Northwest! Getting as much sunlight as possible is the best medicine, but if the weather doesn't allow for much time outside, sitting in front of one of these daylight-simulation lights is the next best thing.Great for anyone who feels low in the winter or lives where it is grey from September to May. 

Soy Candles

One of my favorite ways to make my house feel instantly cozy is to light a candle. But not just any candle - one that smells nice but burns super clean. I don't want to be breathing a bunch of toxins. Soy candles are my choice. This one is just an example - my favorites are the candles from Grove Collaborative, and right behind are the seasonal candles from Trader Joe's. You really can't beat a 20-hour candle in a cute tin for $3.99!Great for anyone who needs a little more cozy. The little ones are great hostess gifts, too!

Wooden Bath Shelf

There's nothing nicer than stretching out in a hot bath with a book and a glass of wine - until you drop your book in the water. A wooden shelf will keep your book safe, give you a place to perch your glass, and you might even have room for one of those soy candles to take it up a notch.Perfect for all the mamas who need an at-home spa date a bit more often.

Lush bath bombs

Speaking of baths, skip right over those glitter-infused bath bombs you see at Target and get yourself a bath bomb from Lush. They are the cream of the crop. And with dozens of scents and fun designs to choose from, you'll be able to find one for everyone on your list.Maybe showers are more your thing? They have a selection of shower bombs now, too.

Large Rice Pack

Smaller and more affordable than a weighted blanket, but similarly comforting, a rice pack makes a lovely gift. I have three (!!) that I keep in my bed for cold nights (and almost instant sleep). I love this large sized pack because it can be used in so many ways. I sometimes heat one and drape it over my shoulders, or drop it across my hips when I'm reading in bed. It's also great for cramps.Great for someone who suffers from aches and pains, but also just as a lovely, comforting offering.

Essential Oil Diffuser

I'm not a complete EO devoté, but I do use them in my house pretty often. I have a diffuser in my kitchen and I use it several times a week. When I need an emotional pick me up, in goes the grapefruit or orange oil. When I need grounding? Cedarwood or DoTerra's Balance blend. When my daughter is bouncing off the walls? Lavender.Diffusers used to be pretty pricey, but you can get them for under $20 now (and some are even super cute). That leaves you some cash to include your favorite oil in the gift as well.

Coloring Books and Pencils or Markers

In my opinion, everyone would benefit from more coloring book time. Coloring together is one of my very favorite ways to spend calm time (a rarity in our house) with my daughter. We've had the best conversations while coloring together! And at the end of it you have a beautiful piece of art.I'm particularly fond of the Johanna Basford books, like the one I've linked here, but there are seriously coloring books for any interest or style. Pair them with a box of markers or colored pencils and you have a gift for anyone on your list.[convertkit form=5113984]

Gifts that don't have to be wrapped

Gift Certificate for the Luxury Of Their Choice

What does your person want more time for in their life? You've probably heard them mention it. "Oh, if only I had more time for..."Let them know you support them indulging themselves with time spent the way they want by giving them a gift certificate that supports their hobby (maybe to the yarn shop, or a bookstore).If you pair it with an offer to free up their time by providing some childcare or doing a big chore for them so they don't have to? Now that's the makings of a memorable gift.

A Specially Chosen Gemstone and Crystal Bundle

My friend Liz offers the most lovely gift - a customized or Liz-curated bundle of crystals and gemstones to support whatever is going on in your life or what you are trying to manifest. While you are in her shop, check out her Soul Mantra jewelry, because perhaps a particular word or phrase is more the kind of support your person needs.

A Gym Membership

I realize it can be sort of...treacherous, let's say, to gift a gym membership ("Are you saying I'm fat?"). But giving the gift of good endorphins on the regular can also be really lovely. If a membership to an actual gym feels to touchy or too expensive, consider gift certificates to a specialty place, like a rock-climbing gym, a kick-boxing studio, or a yoga center.Or for the more adventurous on your list, perhaps Stand-Up Paddle Boarding lessons, or a pole-dancing class?

Creative Bug Membership

Another idea for a crafty person on your list who might like to deepen their skills is to get them a subscription to Creative Bug. This site offers free access to 10s of thousands of instructional videos from sewing, drawing, home and decor projects to art to do with the kids, so anyone with the slightest crafty leaning will find something to learn here.Maybe your person wants to learn something really specific? You can gift single classes from Creative Live. They are especially strong in the area of photography and creative business-building, but cover some crafty stuff, too.

Exhale Creativity Membership

Do you have a mom who is a writer (or who wants to be) on your list? Or really any other kind of creative who is struggling to find the time and energy in the midst of raising babies. Give that woman the gift of a membership to the Exhale Creativity community. Membership includes a monthly resource guide with artist interviews, articles, a podcast, writing and other creativity prompts, and access to a really wonderful and supporting Facebook community, as well as discounts on the really excellent classes hosted by writers of the Coffee + Crumbs website. I've been a member for a couple of years now, and I cannot even tell you how lovely this community has been.If a full membership doesn't feel right, maybe the pairing of the book of essays on motherhood written by Coffee + Crumbs authors + a book to help her start writing right now is a better fit?

Tea or Coffee Club Subscription

There is no more simple and easy way to take a break than slowing down to make and then sip a cup of something warm. Whether your person is a coffee drinker or prefers tea, you can have a sampling of beverages land on their porch every month to remind them to take a minute for themselves every day.There are a ton of options at every price point. This is a nice run-down of some of the tea options and here is a similar list for coffee.I hope this list gives you some ideas of ways to pamper the people you love and help encourage them to bring a little more self-care into their lives long after the holidays are done.If you love this self-care gift guide, please share it! Send it to a friend (or your husband) or share it on your social media. There are links above to email the post or share it directly to one of several social media platforms.