Mama needs some nourishing.

It is getting desperate. You are tired and brittle. You yell more than you’d like and you hate feeling this way.

Back before kids, you knew what you needed to take care of yourself, but that stuff has all been crowded out by being the mom taxi, having bedtime battles, and the never-ending cycle of homework and dinner and laundry.

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Is this you?

  • Your clothing budget goes to cute togs for the kids, while you are wearing underwear that you bought before you got pregnant.

  • Your body is aching and you know that curious mole needs to be checked out. But you just can’t seem to find time to sort out the appointments and the call to the insurance company. It just feels too overwhelming to begin.

  • An embarrassing amount of the food budget goes to take-out coffee, and some days that’s all that keeps you standing.

  • You are barely holding on at work, and some days you dread walking in the front door because if one more person asks you do do one more thing you know they can do for themselves … you might lose it.

Even if you were pretty good at self-care at some point in this parenting journey, things have shifted, and that stuff isn’t working, or you just can't make it work now. You know this isn’t sustainable, but there just never seems to be a break in the schedule to fit anything in for yourself.

You aren’t alone

You want to feel like you live in your body again. Not just running to keep up with all that has to get done. You want to remember what pleasure fells like. You want to get ahead of those aches and pains that make you feel so damn old.

You can.

You want to enjoy time with your kids. You want to quit resenting every time someone needs something from you. You want to feel like there is actually space in your life for you.

You want to feel calm - rested even!

Self-Care For Busy Moms is a 3-week coaching program beginning October 23 that includes all of this for $79:

Instruction and support to:

  • Dig in to rediscover what you love and what lights you up.

  • Learn a surprisingly easy practice to determine what your heart and body needs most, in any moment.

  • Get really clear on what self-care you need right now, and what fits best in this season.

  • Create a customized-for-you self-care plan that you can use every day to get you back to feeling like a rock-star mama (and quit feeling like the one the cat drug in).

You’ll get:

  • Three live instruction and coaching calls on Zoom with me and other mamas who are in the same place as you. I’ll walk you through how to build a super-customized self-care plan, how to find time for that in your busy life, and how to keep this habit going, even when life happens. Don’t worry if you can’t make it live - I’ll send out recordings and a transcript after each call. You’ll also be able to submit any questions you have before each call so I can address them.

  • I’ll share my best self-nurturing tips to help you get crystal clear on what you need to adjust in your life right now.

  • Access to a pop-up Facebook group just for this course where you can connect with other mamas like you and ask me all your questions throughout the program.

  • You’ll also receive a workbook to document your perfect self-care plan, so you can refer to it whenever you need a reminder.

Whatever season you are in, I can help you design a self-care plan that fits it. Whether you have one minute or one whole afternoon, I can help you figure out those things that help you feel great, reconnect with your true self, and recharge enough so that being with your kids is actually fun again.

Class begins October 23.

Sign up below to join this class and start feeling better right away!