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Friends, we have never been through times like this before. If it feels hard, that’s because it is hard.

Most of us are stressed and overwhelmed. And you, as the mom, are likely carrying an unequal share of the planning and caregiving and even the worrying right now. If you are freaking out, you aren’t alone.

I want to support you. Let's drop in together virtually for as long as we need to (at least through May).

Let's make this time of social distancing into social connection and mutual support.

Meet me on Zoom on Mondays at 11 AM PST. These calls are free - just sign up below to get the links for each call.

This will be a place to vent, to get support for self-care, share ideas to help us homeschool and keep our kids entertained while we do other things, and just connect to remind us all that we are not alone.