What should I do? How to use your body to make better decisions : Episode 56
Blog Episode 55 (1).png

We are in a period of time like none any of us have experienced before. It feels overwhelming, scary, and stressful. There are so many decisions we are trying to make every day, in an environment where we have never made decisions like these before.

So how the heck we figure out what we should do when we are uncertain? When everyone has an opinion and they don’t necessarily make sense, or they might even contradict each other. What should you do when you are afraid, or when everyone around you is afraid? What should you do do with even our leaders don’t make sense? What should you do when you find yourself in a situation where you have no experience to guide you?

In this episode, I talk about what steps you can take to make clear and confident decisions when you really don’t feel confident at all. 

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